Thursday, November 27, 2008

Birdie, Birdie

Birdie, birdie on the tree,
Come and sing a song to me;
Sing it loud and sing it long,
Sing to me a pretty song!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sound of Wild Animals

Roar-Roar, that is what the lion says,
Roar-Roar, every night and day;
Roar-Roar, that is what the lion says,
Hey Ho! Ninny Nonny Nay!
Growl-Growl, that is what the bear says,
Hiss-Hiss, that is what the snake says.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Tiger

Here is a tiger,
That lives in the zoo.
It you look at it,
It will look at you.
It walks to the left,
It walks to the right;
But it can't get out,
As the gate is shut tight.

Friday, November 14, 2008


An elephant is big and grey,
It walks about with a sway;
It has tiny eyes and a tiny tail,
And a very long trunk, which can carry a pail;
It has two white tusks, and two ears like fans,
An elephant gives rides to man.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Three Little Fish

Three little fish, (2)
See how they swim; (2)
Round and round and fast they go,
Now they are going very slow;
Three little fish. (2)

An Elephant

An elephant is
Big and fat;
She walks about
This way and that;
She sways her trunk
From side to side;
And gives us all
A jolly good ride.